Cost & Payment Details
Children's classes
Dance Classes - Winter Term (11 weeks)
30 minute class: £77.00 (£7 per class)
45 minute class: £88.00 (£8 per class)
60+ minute class: £99.00 (£9 per class)
For multiple siblings attending classes, a 10% multi-pupil discount (MPD) will be applied to all classes. This excludes classes that are already discounted.
This discounts only apply if the invoice is paid, or partly by the first day of the new term being invoiced.
Paying in Installments
We are very happy for people to pay fees in two or more installments, please just let us know that is what you are doing. However, if your child decides to stop classes partway through term, any remaining fees for that term are still due to be paid.
Adult Classes
Adult classes are managed through pre-paid class cards. A class is marked-off as and when dancers attend class.
10 week class card: £80 (£8 per class)
Fees Terms & Conditions
All new starters are encouraged to take a non-obligation trial of their chosen class. If they decide to enrol in the class, the trial class will be included in their invoice. However, is you decide dance isn't for you - you won't be charged.
For students enrolling midway through term, the invoice will be deducted accordingly.
Students will be invoiced termly via email, siblings will be invoiced together.
Fees are paid termly, not as individual classes.
Fees are not refundable, but they are transferable within the same term - if an appropriate class is available. If a student misses a class - please contact the office to see if there is the opportunity to make-up the class.
Fees are not transferable between terms.
A course is normally a full term. Fees are due on the first day of each course (or from the second session if a student is new) and are payable in full for the whole course. If this is a problem, please discuss with me before your child starts attending classes. In some circumstances, It may be possible for an alternative arrangement to be made
If fees are not paid by the 2nd week of term with no explanation, a 10% late fee may be added. In popular classes, a student is also at risk of losing their place in the class.
Bury St. Edmunds Ballet School is passionate about offering classes to students from all types of financial situations, and believes that money should not be a barrier. If a family is experiencing financial hardship, or are struggling to pay the invoice in full. They are encouraged to contact the office so that an appropriate payment plan can be arranged.
If a class is cancelled, a make-up class will be scheduled or a refund/credit offered.
Giving Notice: Bury St. Edmunds Ballet School requires 6 weeks notice if a child will not be continuing a class that they were enrolled in the previous term. Otherwise, 6 weeks' fees will be charged.
Please note that notice cannot be given for part of a term, once a student has started a course the whole terms fees will be due.
If a student leaves a class or the school, and you do not contact Bury St. Edmunds Ballet School to inform them of this at all, then you will be charged an entire term's fees.